Welney Wishes

The write side of life

The write side of life

A year on from the launch of my own book ‘Tales from Plover Cottage’, it was great to attend the launch of a friend’s new book.  Pen Avey’s book ‘Dear Earthling: Cosmic Correspondent’ has been published by Common Deer Press and is expected to be a big hit in the States and Canada as well as the UK.  

I was so pleased at how the launch went.  It was a lot of fun, which is what all good book launches should be! It’s so nice to have a friend who is also going through the stages of writing, finding publishers and promoting a book after publication as it provides an opportunity to learn from one another.

Do have a look at her book, it’s ideal for older - pre-teenage- children. As well as an amusing story line Pen has created wonderful images through her artwork.  Lots of humorous play on words as well as through her drawings. Children will love it.  

And here I am, appearing as Dethbert Jones from the planet Crank :)

Posted 293 weeks ago

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